36 Killed In Clashes Northern Mali



Fighting between Malian army and Touareg rebels in Mali's northern region of Kidal left at least 36 people dead, among them are eight soldiers, while 87 others from both sides were injured.

Mali's Defence Minister Soumeylou Boubeye Maiga confirmed the development on Sunday.

The fighting on Saturday resulted from the opposition by the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA, Toureg rebels) to the visit to Kidal by Mali's Prime Minister Moussa Mara.

In a statement released on Sunday, defence minister said security forces that were accomplishing their duty of securing Kidal for the prime minister's visit, were attacked by MNLA fighters supported by groups of terrorist elements.

"During the fighting, Malian army lost eight soldiers and 25 others were injured while the other side lost 28 fighters and 62 were injured,’’ the statement said.

"Our forces took control of all administrative buildings apart from the governor's office where MNLA and the terrorists are still holding 30 people hostage,’’ the statement added.

The minister reassured Malians saying, "in conformity to the instructions issued by the president of the republic, all necessary measures will be taken to guarantee security of the people and property in Kidal, consolidate state sovereignty and protect the ongoing political dialogue process.’’

A Malian security source said tension was still high in Kidal town where the number of soldiers had been reinforced

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