Etisalat Offers bINu App Free for Nigerians


Social Member
Etisalat, in a show of generosity has offered the cloud-based bINu app free for its subscribers until December 6, 2013.

“bINu is a cloud based mobile application that works on Java and Android phones to deliver a wide range of content while using a very small amount of data, providing a superior user experience on low-end phones, even with only a 2G (Edge and GPRS) data connection,” Etisalat said.

The app allows users access social networks, Twitter, Wikipedia, Google and free ebooks among other things.

The idea behind bINu is to help people who are worried about the fast data consumption on their devices conserve data costs. The free campaign is a strategy to get a lot of people in on the package.BINU-1.png


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