Politics Jonathan is doing his best to Tackle Insurgency- Ex-President Gowon



A former Head of State, retired Gen. Yakubu Gowon, on Friday at Ikeja has urged Nigerians to support the Federal Government in its bid to tackle security challenges in the country.

He condemned the reports credited to some foreign media that President Goodluck Jonathan was not doing enough to address insecurity.

``I can tell you this and I know this, the president is doing his best and do not listen to the sort of news you hear from foreign press talking as if the government is doing nothing.

``He is in consultation with the military chiefs, he is in consultation with all the governors and all the political parties to be able to join hands to deal with this problem," said Gowon, who prosecuted the Nigerian civil war.

The elder statesman said the government needed time to effectively deal with the Boko Haram insurgency and bring the conflict to an end.

He added:``No matter how weak your opponent is, it is going to take time to be able to resolve the issues which led to the conflict.

``It took us about two-and-a half years to be able to end the civil war but what is important is how you end it and how you are able to reconcile and get things back to normal."

He also advised political parties to stop trading blames or use the present situation in the country to their own advantage.


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Are there any countries in the world that have been successful.
Do you mean that Nigeria is doomed? If they can't be totally eradicated there should be a way to reduce their activities so they could cause less harm.
Do you mean that Nigeria is doomed? If they can't be totally eradicated there should be a way to reduce their activities so they could cause less harm.

When men decide to take their own life as well as yours, it becomes a game changer. How do you reason with him.

This is now a generational fight. Make sure the young boys and girls in Nigeria do not follow this path.