Business Nigeria: 6 Simple Ways To Survive In This Harsh Economy



Our nation is on a collision course with financial calamity. Nigeria’s national debt is at historic high levels, and we are running deficits that cannot be maintained without eventually bankrupting our nation.

The question at hand is how we can survive the economic hardship, NigerianBulletin brings 6 simple ways to survive the hustling hours of Nigerian economy....

1. Change Your Priorities

The first thing you need to do to prepare for hard times is change your priorities. In an economic downturn, our concern needs to switch from luxuries to core needs like food and shelter. In an economic downturn, some of these things will have to be given up. Yes, it is possible to go on living without your multiple cell phones.

2. Producing Your Own Food - Agriculture

During times of financial misfortune, the supply chain for food may become strained. As we switch from a steak-and-lobster economy to a beans-and-rice economy, filling one's belly will be a daily top priority.


- Start back at home for the Holidays, limit travels and save yourself some token

- Don’t buy new cars

- Say no to Brazilian hair and other foreign made products pending the stability of the Naira and economy

- Above all, remember your God whom you worship... call him for yourself and the nation. Just as our president is currently doing in Saudi Arabia