Sports Nigeria: Lagos to Host African Athletics Championship 2018



The Confederation of African Athletics (CAA) has awarded Lagos State the hosting right of the 22nd African Championships in Athletics.

According to Inside Games, the agreement to host the games was signed between the sports minister, Solomon Dalung, and the President of CAA, Hamad Malboum, with the minister believing that the competition will serve as an avenue for developing talents.

“Sport is one of the strongest weapons for promoting development in Africa. The only thing that can provide gainful employment for youths is sport.

“With the support of the government, I have discussed with officials in South Africa that there is a need for us to strengthen the Council of Sports Ministers meeting.

“And we must begin to identify the relevant issues that will move African sports forward and also give Africa a comparative advantage to compete with other countries of the world,’’ the minister was quoted as saying.

South Africa finished tops at the last edition held in 2014 in Marrakech, Morocco, where they won 10 gold medals. Nigeria finished second with eight gold medals.

The next Championships are due to be held in Durban, South Africa from June 22 to June 26, 2016.


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