Metro 'Pastors who Attack me are Discontented People'- T.B Joshua



Pastor T.B Joshua, founder of the Synagogue Church of All Nations, SCOAN, has described pastors who constantly attack him as discontented people.

He said attacks come from those who are not contented, those who are not happy about what they are, what they can achieve and what they can do.

"I am contented. It’s all about contentment. “When you are contented and you’re worth what God says you’re, and you have what God says you have, and you can do what God says you can do, what else again?.

Speaking further T.B Joshua said,"If I see someone somewhere that needs to be corrected, I do it in a gentle manner. And when you’re limited in certain areas and you see someone do what you would like to do, definitely envy and jealousy set in. When I see someone do what I would like to do, I see it as grace. But others when they see someone do what they would like to do, they see as power.

"It is by emulating God that you can do what you see someone doing that you would like to do",Joshua

He said when people attack him, he prays for them because he knows that, "what they attack me for is what they would like to do but they cannot do it",T.B Joshua added.

Over the years, Nigerian pastors have continually accused T.B Joshua of using strange powers to heal people of virtually all sicknesses only by laying hands on them.

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