Politics What Are You Avenging? Gov Abubakar Scolds Niger Delta Avengers



Governor Mohammed Badru Abubakar of Jigawa state has condemned the activities of militant group, Niger Delta Avengers, who have been blowing up oil installations in the Niger Delta area of recent.

In an interview published by Vanguard, he said the renewed militancy in the region has robbed Nigeria of revenues in an austere period.

"The APC governments at the federal level and Jigawa took over at the worst possible period and witnessed a combination of negative and interlinked trends from falling oil prices to currency devaluation and galloping inflation," he said. "The fact that some unpatriotic elements who have lost the chance to continue their brigandage are sabotaging our efforts is no longer in doubt, after all, the question needs to be asked, ‘What are they avenging?’

"While they were cheering at the loss in revenue from falling oil prices, they have started attacking facilities to cripple production at a time we were just rejoicing at the fact that prices were climbing again."

"The situation calls for patience and understanding and we are doing everything in conjunction with the Federal Government to put all hands on deck to alleviate the plight of the people," he added.


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