5 Cheap Home Security Gadgets You Should Install In Your House


New Member

Security is one the most fundamental requirements of any nation. In Fact, one of the most important responsibilities of governments or people in authority is the security of lives and properties of the people they govern. That’s why every nation on earth has law enforcement agencies as well as military. The role of security agencies in the development of every nation cannot be overemphasized.

Your security is your own business and responsibility. Especially in our type of society where thieves and violent criminals are on the prowl, taking adequate security measures will definitely go a long way in protecting the people you love and care for as well as yourself. Apart from taking security precautions against criminals, there are other human activities that can pose a significant threat to our collective existence.

Nowadays, people employ the use of highly sophisticated home security gadgets to curb the excesses of unscrupulous elements living within our society as well as providing ample protection to our love ones and properties. However, these are five cheap home security gadgets you can install at your home.

1. Burglar Alarms

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The name alone gives you a massive clue about what it’s meant for. Burglars pose a major threat to our lives and properties. They monitor your daily movements and schedules in a bid to break into your homes when you are away or vulnerable. They cost homeowners a great deal in fortune, as most properties stolen are often pricey. Measures have been taken over the years to curb their excesses, hence the Burglar Alarm.

The Burglar Alarm is basically a simple electric circuit built into an entryway. Burglar Alarms are of two basic types: Closed-Circuit System and the Open Circuit System. For the closed-circuit system, when the door is shut, the electric circuit is closed. This allows electricity flow from one end of the circuit to another. When someone breaks or opens your door when activated, the alarm goes off, signaling an intrusion. For the Open Circuit System, when the door is opened, the circuit closes, triggering an intrusion alarm.

Average Price : N2000 to N4000 (konga.com)

2. Closed-Circuit Television Camera (CCTV)

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Closed Circuit Television Cameras are not new to many of us, most especially people working at financial institutions. They are basically surveillance cameras that are used to monitor, take images as well as record activities going on within and around sensitive places. Usually, most especially within financial institutions or sensitive places, someone is saddled with the responsibility of monitoring the recordings captured by the CCTV, either for fraud prevention or to safeguard against attacks. The application of CCTV’s to your home is fairly simple, you just need to mount the cameras at strategic places within your home or surroundings, so you’d be able to monitor the activities going on within it.

There are CCTVs that provide live feeds, which can help you monitor the activities going on within your home from your Smartphone or computer with good internet facility, but these types of CCTVs are much more expensive than the ones without live feed. The psychological benefits of installing CCTVs in your homes cannot be overemphasized. The sight of CCTVs cameras, most times, is enough to scare away burglars, because it tells them that a particular home or property is being watched; No criminal wants to get caught.

Average Price: N15,000 to N20,000 (Jumia)

3. Distress Alarm

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Distress Alarm might sound strange but should not be confused with burglar alarm. Distress alarms are designed to remain inconspicuous but highly effective in curbing the activities of robbers, kidnapers and other criminals. It’s basically a system designed to dial certain numbers of law enforcement agencies to let them know you are in trouble, but first you must find a way of pushing the button, which is usually a difficult thing to do during distress. You will need to collaborate with our law enforcement agencies in other make this system practicable. This system is very effective at banks, especially during robberies, but can also be very handy at home.

Average Price: N20,000 - N30,000

4. Fake Security Camera

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This camera looks very much like real CCTVs, but it’s completely fake. It just creates the same kind of psychological effect on criminals like the real CCTVs. It creates a false perception that a particular home or property is being watched, that alone scares away lots of burglars and intruders. The major advantage of implementing systems like this is that it’s far cheaper to implement than installing real CCTVs.

Average Price: N3,000 to N6,000

5. Carbon Monoxide detector

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This particular gadget is self explanatory, very relevant in this country of ours where 70 to 90% of the electricity generated in the country is from generators. There has been so much carbon monoxide related deaths in the country, you may suffer from the harmful effects of these gases as a result of your own negligence or the recklessness of your neighbor. A Carbon Monoxide detector is designed to detect the presence of Carbon monoxide within your home. It triggers an alarm on detection, which will leave you and your love ones ample time to evacuate your premises. It’s a very important home security gadget to acquire for your home.

Average price – N6,000 to N10,000

In conclusion, the security of your homes and properties is paramount and shouldn’t be taken with levity. We can improve the security within our homes by acquiring these highly sophisticated gadgets and equipments. Most of these gadgets are not so expensive, but they will definitely go a long way in improving the security within and around your premises as well as protecting the people you love.

Photo Credit: topimages.net, cekas.co.uk, northerntool.com, tesco.com


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