African Leaders Endorse Creation of Standby Military Force to Combat Security Challenges



African Heads of State and government have supported the creation of a well equipped standby force to be deployed in new hotspots in the continent.

Leaders who spoke during the 10th anniversary of the AU peace and Security Council in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea said that Africa required a deployable standby force to combat new security challenges.

``We need to build a strong continental army that is able to respond effectively to security threats.

``Africa should depend on a well-equipped military force to combat armed conflicts, insurgency and terror attacks,’’ said Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni on the sidelines of an ongoing AU summit.

African heads of state and government have rallied behind home grown interventions to defeat emerging security challenges.

Museveni stressed that time was ripe to operationalise an African standby force in the light of new and virulent security threats.

``Peace and stability are crucial for our economic growth and we need to build robust armies that can defend our territory from armed infiltrators.

``We can even set up a group of volunteers to respond to urgent security threats,’’Museveni told the leaders.

Museveni noted that external military interventions have not offered lasting solution to conflicts in Africa.

``We need to reframe approaches to contain armed rebellions that have cost lives and retarded Africa's development,"said Museveni.

He decried the radical ideologies that have fuelled insurgency in Nigeria, Somalia and the Sahel region.

``To defeat insecurity, Africa must banish sectarian ideology and gender chauvinism that have balkanised societies resulting to loss of lives and property,’’Museveni said.

African countries must reorganise their security architecture to deal effectively with armed conflicts, terrorism and transnational crimes.

Dozens of African presidents who attended the 10th anniversary since the creation of the AU Peace and Security Council endorsed the operationalisation of a standby force.
