Metro Police Our Friend? Cases Of Police Killings, Brutality in 2016 [PHOTOS]



'Police is Your Friend' is the inscription that welcomes you into any police station, especially in Nigeria. Around the world, Police have a civic duty to protect the citizens but like most people who hold a great deal of authority, their powers are sometimes abused. Unfortunately, police brutality is a common occurrence around the world, and it’s often accompanied by several other examples of police misconduct. Even when such brutal cases are challenged in court, they often go unpunished.

Below are some examples of Police Brutality, killings in 2016.

Kenya: Kenyan police brutalized some civilians who engaged in a protest in Nairobi, the country’s capital on 16 May, 2016. The Kenyans were protesting for election reforms ahead of the country's presidential election holding next year. The police officers were captured beating the protesters with batons and firing canisters of teargas at them.

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United States: Naked Texas Man Killed By Police - Police used lethal force on a naked young man who had been found wandering around an Austin neighborhood early Monday, February 8, 2016. The 18-year-old unidentified man, who neighbors said appeared to be black, was shot and killed by a police officer after allegedly charging at the officers.

Police Attack Protesting NLC Leaders in Ebonyi: The police in Ebonyi State on Thursday, May 19, 2016 attacked and beat up members of the Nigerian Labour Congress, NLC, who staged a peaceful protest in the state against the increase in pump price of petrol by the federal government.

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Police Kill Two Civil Defence Officers in Calabar: Two officers of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) were on Wednesday evening, April 13, 2016 shot dead by a policeman in Calabar, the Cross River State capital. It was gathered that some armed policemen at about 7pm on that fateful Wednesday mounted a road block by the gate of the headquarters of the NSCDC in Anantigha, Calabar South, and an argument ensued when Civil Defence officers who were also armed and were returning to their station from patrol in their truck. This led to an altercation and in the process one of the armed policeman drew his gun and fired at the Civil Defence officers.

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Female Policewoman Kills Bus Driver in Lagos:
On May 22, 2016, a female police corporal beat up and killed a commercial bus driver, Muyiwa Ijaduola, at the Igando area of the state on Sunday night. The policewoman, who was simply identified as Taiwo, attached to the Igando Police Division, was said to have attempted to compel the driver to drop the usual money for the police, but he refused.

Taking the law into her hands, she allegedly dragged him down from the bus and used her baton to beat him to a pulp, in the full glare of her colleagues. While she was beating him, the driver who tried to protect his head with his hands, slipped and fell, hitting his head on the ground.

We can only hope an end comes to this soon.


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