Metro Shot at 25 Times, Lives to Boast

Of course, you are doing this from the goodness of your heart. Not that you r curious.
I'm not curious, I just love settling disputes.

@The_Astutian, which came first: the chicken, or the egg? This is a hardly suitable question, in which I am curious as to who copied who: you or me? As your name and the placement of your underscore truly (by design or by a sheer combination of improbable coincidences) seems to align with mine.

Back to the matter. May the eye witnesses: @Bolanle Akanji, @ese and @The_Astutian step forward.

Is it right that we send photographs of our faces to the inbox of an organism which has no face itself? Discuss [10 marks]
You are not the first to adopt the style, and definitely won't be the last. I never even saw the coincidence until you pointed it out. Stop acting like an Einstein, people like that are no more in existence.
We don't need witnesses here. Once the two parties agree, we can be on our merry jolly way.
And I'm not faceless. If you look carefully at my pp, you'd notice the "o" has a face.:D:D:D
^^^Kidding bro. Human beings like Einstein never existed at a time. Astutians actually existed tho.
Back to the main matter. Are the two sides in agreement of the deal?:D:D:D